(Sorry for the commercial before the video clip!)
It's the Giant Book Giveaway.
The students at McKinley Elementary School have one less excuse not to read. More than 3,700 books were donated to the students from the community.
It's all about getting the students to read at home.
The books were donated to the students from area churches, banks, and supporters. Parkersburg High School's Freshman cabinet even donated to the event.
Once the books were donated-- students were able to pick out books to take home and keep.
"So that the children will have books at home for forever. We have an obstacle here at McKinley School that many of our students do not have books at home to read and we want them to know that it's important so we decided to give them books at this book give away," explains the organizer of it all and teacher at McKinley School, Jane D'Angelo.
Organizers called it FAB, the Forever Available Books.
Some students were able to take home as many as 16 books each.
The school also received a grant to purchase books.
Those from McKinley School say it was better than expected and they couldn't be more thankful.